Archives for January 13, 2012

The Home Hammer

Beaver Island Michigan

Beaver Island Michigan

Happy New Year! Like so many, I’m caught up in the annual ritual of the New Year and of course making resolutions. All sorts of them are out there, eat healthy, work out, lose weight, read more professional publications – or specific ones like I have, potty train our dog, watch more of my daughter’s basketball games and read more books with our youngest son. However, my most ambitious one is what you’re reading.

I’m venturing into what I’ll call the great digital divide – known otherwise as social media on the Internet and the Blogosphere! I say venture but it’ll probably be more of an adventure – like anything new and mysterious!

As a professional architect, builder and broker in the residential housing market on the North Shore of Chicago my goal with this type of newsletter will be to help homeowners understand many things that are important for their homes, but often [Read more…]